Discover the flavours of Guatemala

Discover the flavours of Guatemala


Do you want to explore the flavours of this new Guatemalan coffee? With delicious flavours of plum, blackberry, red fruits & brown sugar, you won't be disappointed. 

Finca La Maravilla is located in the high mountains of the Huehuetenango region of Guatemala. In 1997 Mauricio and his father Guillermo purchased a small fragment of the wonder land and called it just that. During that time the farm was accessible only by foot or horseback.

Till this day, there is no electricity at the farm (only a generator that runs few hours a day) but that doesn’t stop Mauricio to implement continuous improvements to wet and dry processes at his farm. Despite the challenges he has been able to build a wet mill with fermentation tanks, patios and raised beds for drying coffees and all that to produce the highest quality cup possible.

This lot is now available on our bar in Birdhill and is on our retail shelves for you to brew at home!